Smartair Access Control System

SMARTair™ Standalone 

SMARTair™ Standalone systems do not require special software or Programmers to setup and maintain User records. A simple Programming Card is used to Add or Delete Users. This makes these systems as simple to install as a standard lock and simpler to use than even a key.


SMARTair™ Update on Card

SMARTair™ Update on Card (UoC) utilises Proximity Credential Read/Write technology, to carry the information to the doors. This overcomes the huge cost and expense of having to cable or to create infrastructure specifically for an access system. Information from the Software makes its way via Encoders and Programmers to provide a 'virtual network' system capable of providing User Time Zone Restrictions, Auto Unlock Times, Audit Trails, from one to an unlimited number of doors.

Changes to the locking plan, with regards to Users, Doors, Time Zones and any other system parameters can also be automatically sent to field Updaters which update each Users' Credential when presented.

Each Lock & Reader contains an inbuilt Clock, Times Zones and specific User Access information therefore maintaining full offline operation.


SMARTair™ Wireless Online

SMARTair™ Wireless Online is a revolutionary Access Control platform that combines wireless enabled Escutcheons and Wall Readers, connected Hubs and intuitive Management Software, while still retaining the benefits of not having dedicated data cable. Having each door connected via wireless allows the user to monitor events in real time, remotely open/close doors and automatically update Access privileges.